Bulk SMS Real Time Reporting

The world of marketing has been bombarded with the use of SMS as a tool for promotion in recent years. This strategy is slowly and steadily replacing email marketing as the option of marketers, as it is considered as far more customer-centric and efficient. Sending the messages in bulk is commonplace in the contemporary era but not all of those messages are delivered to the prospective customers. After sending these bulk messages you will be eager to know how many of them were delivered and how many bounced. With the help of real-time SMS reporting, you will be able to know the success & failure rate of the delivery of these messages. There are other features also which are attached to real-time SMS reporting. It is very important from a marketing point of view to know about the success of the delivery of messages to improve your system to attract more customers. If you are sending millions of promotional SMS and even if 10 % of them are not getting delivered then you are losing thousands of customers. Some of the features of real-time SMS reporting are:

Delivery rate

It tells both the delivery percentage for successfully delivered SMS and a stats in absolute numbers. Besides this, it also tells the important reasons behind the failure to deliver the messages. This information can help improve both telephone number database and routing.

Message awaiting/pending Delivery Report

The message was sent from your end but has not reached the recipient’s end due to either bad network coverage, unreachable, or switched off at the time it was sent.

Delivery Speed

The efficiency of any system is determined by its speed. And with the help of real-time message reporting, you will be able to know the exact time in which your message was delivered to the end-user. It tells the average time in terms of seconds in which the message was received. This is very essential for message and One Time Passwords that are time-sensitive with short expiration times.

Conversion Rate

By implementing it, you can find, search, and optimize your mobile transactions. With it, you can measure the current messaging traffic and achieve the best overview of the campaigns’ success.

Expired or dropped status

This simply means that the server tried its best to send the message to the recipient’s device but failed. Hence, after numerous attempts, the status changes to expired/dropped. The most common reason for this failure is an incorrect number.

Delivery Speed

The efficiency of any system is determined by its speed. And with the help of real-time message reporting, you will be able to know the exact time in which your message was delivered to the end-user. It tells the average time in terms of seconds in which the message was received. This is very essential for message and One Time Passwords that are time-sensitive with short expiration times.

Examination of this real-time information is important for structuring upcoming campaigns and make them more effective. Various platforms offer real-time information with many features related to the delivery of messages. You can choose any one of them whichever you find more compatible with your setup. This information can help you in competing with your rivals and getting an edge over them.